Sports goods industries in Meerut. Meerut is located close to the capital city of New Delhi. The city is known for its rising economy, both agricultural and industrial, transportation and tourism and also for its significant contribution to the history and culture of India. Owing to its strategic location, availability of raw materials, an otherwise agricultural town saw a surge of industries in the recent decades. A number of factors contributed for the rise in industries. Chief among them being the agglomeration of Meerut into the National Capital Region in the 1990s which contributed for the change in the very economic fabric of the city. The surge in the number of industrial units and the diverse segment of manufacturing units have contributed in making Meerut one of the largest industrial hubs and fastest growing cities of the world. From the conventional businesses such as scissors, musical instruments, the city is now the one of the largest manufacturer of gold jewellery, sports goods, sugar and Agro-based industry.
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